Thursday, May 29, 2008

France: The Overview

Since it is going to take me an amazingly long time to transfer my journal scribblings into coherent blog postings, I figured I would write some highlights of my recent trip to France.

It was a trip of "firsts" for me:
*First time to eat a poached egg (which was delicious)
*First time to take a shot of alcohol (that was extremely potent) at breakfast
*First time to go to a concert in a foreign country (Explosions in the Sky were amazing)
*First time to attend a wedding in a foreign country
*First time to eat Moroccan food

My first journal entry included the following:
* I love cheese and bread! :-)
* I also love sleep....

Favorite things about the trip:
*Mont Saint Michel is an awesome place to's a town built on a mountain, so the town spirals around the mountain...and at the top there's a monastery.
*The wedding...the 15 hour extravaganza with unlike anything that I have ever been to (or will probably ever witness again)!
*The Explosions in the Sky concert at Elysee Montmartre...seriously one of the best shows I've ever seen.period.
*The older people who paint replicas of the paintings in the Louvre.
*'s a little boating town that is truly picture perfect.

I was the crazy American girl who:
*spoke in Spanish most of the time
*had the gut response of "grazie" (instead of merci) every time I said "thank you" (I honestly don't know where the Italian reply came from...Spanish would have at least been understandable)
*kept referring to the money as pounds instead of Euros
*somehow picked up the nickname "Butch"
*unconsciously mimicked a French accent when I spoke plain English (and trust me it came out poorly)

It's amazing that I didn't offend someone.

1 comment:

  1. hi friend :) mix tape is on my list to read now! p.s. linking your blog to mine..gotta keep updated in the world of brooklyn ny!
