Monday, July 14, 2008

Life Lesson #78: Life is scary, even for adults

When I was a kid, I thought adults didn't get scared. I assumed that once I reached adulthood somehow my fears would magically disappear. Of course, over time I've realized that "grown-ups" do get scared...they're usually just better at putting up a brave front than most kids. I almost feel as though my fears have increased as I've gotten older...maybe not the same fears I had when I was younger...but my old nemeses have definitely been replaced with new, more tangible antagonizers

This past Thursday, I made yet another visit to the doctor. I was fully expecting it to be a 5 minute check-up visit, but unfortunately (thanks to my blood pressure) it was not. Instead, by the time I left, I had another round of blood work done, lots of unanswered questions and an appointment set up for an endometrial biopsy to be performed on July 25th. Daunting words like "surgery" and "cancer" are starting to be thrown around...and I'm just not ready to face those monsters. I am scared...but I am trying to face the situation with as much maturity as I can muster. However, I feel like a kid all over again...and I need my parents/family more than ever. Nothing comforts me more than knowing that my mom is coming out to hold my hand during my biopsy. 

I am praying specifically for the following:
1. That this is NOT cancer. 
2. That I won't have to undergo a major surgery.
3. That I will endure the biopsy, tests, blood work, etc with as much grace/maturity as possible.
4. That my heart and mind will not be overwhelmed by my fears.


  1. Hey Brooke! Hang in there. I know that the idea of a biopsy is scary and the actual biospy is scary and unfortunately painful. I'll be praying for you. It's always better to be safe than sorry. If you need to vent or just need some questions answered from someone who's been there...I'm here for ya.

  2. I'll definitely be praying for you, Brooke! Love you!
