Sunday, November 14, 2010


Ever had one of those days where you just should've stayed in bed....well, it's been one of those weeks for me.

After an already long week, which has included my car being towed from our work lot while I was working overtime, a water moccasin situation during our event set-up and all other kinds of has been no exception.

First let me just note that currently all is not right in my head...
a. I'm for real (this is what I get for joking about calling in sick during tournament season)
b. After the past couple of weeks, I honestly have no concept of what weekday it may or may not be

This morning I went into the office to assist in putting together our Volleyball program. When things started to slow down a little, I got the bright idea that I would run downstairs and unload the office suburban (which was fully loaded with Cross Country supplies). This would have been an excellent move if I had not:

a. left my key to the office on my desk on the 3rd floor
b. left my phone in my purse beside my desk on the 3rd floor
c. forgotten that our office doors automatically lock on the weekends (of course, I remembered this just as the door shut behind me)

Which left me outside, in the cold and sick. After yelling, beating on the doors until my hand was too bruised to continue, honking the league car no less than 18 times and waking up every dog in the neighborhood, I gave up and laid down in front of our back door. After a generous amount of time passed (and thoughts of going door-to-door in our eastside neighborhood to beg to use a phone, running down Manor to track down a cop on patrol, or pushing a UT emergency phone button, etc), a coworker finally came down to check on me.

Being the angel that she is, she promptly sent me home.

After I thaw out a little, take some meds and sleep some more...I think I'll feel like a brand new person...or at least regain a little common sense.

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