This past weekend, I got to fly over to Orlando to see my younger bro and catch up with a friend...this of course was only made better by a trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Islands of Adventures, Epcot's 15th annual Food & Wine Fest, a little time in the Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween and a truly awesome gospel brunch with Apostle J.L. Cash at the House of Blues.
VACATION WIN (times 3)
1. Captain EO! I don't know who was able to pull together the genius of Michael Jackson, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola with a cameo of Anjelica Huston thrown in the mix...but someone at Disney in the 1980's must have been a smooth talker, because they accomplished just that. I vaguely remember seeing Captain EO back in the 80's, but it was a real treat to watch it again as an adult. It is completely over the top for a short Disney 3-D experience film...but that's what makes it so great. Think Star Wars meets The Dark Crystal merged with the Michael Jackson Thriller video. Check out the clips below, and you'll see what I'm talking about:
I can pull off the open-jacket-fling, but my moon walk needs a little work...
2. Free candy...that's right I said FREE CANDY! Ok, maybe that's not technically true since there was an entry ticket involved...but Disney has "free" candy for those who come trick-or-treating in the park during "Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween" Party. Some of my favorite costumes were a family dressed up as crayons (I really wish the dad had come as the crayon box...or that the parents had been primary colors, with the kid as a secondary color...), a guy wearing a shirt that said "i'm scarier without the costume"...which is my personal choice of costume, but my favorite was a dad with his little girl...she was a tiny toddler-size cinderella and he was dressed as prince charming...completely adorable as they walked hand in hand through the park.
3. I was on vacation....duh!
I was put on camera duty by my mom. So I brought two cameras...only to have a complete stranger (kindly attempting to take my photo) point out that I didn't have any memory remaining in my nicer camera. Oh no, the memory card wasn't full...I just didn't have one in the camera period. My "doh!" [hand slap to the forehead] moment of the trip. Which left me with the point-and-shoot. Thought I got a few pretty nice pics despite my limitations. :)
Plus I also committed a major faux least in the world of all things sci-fi.
I cross-referenced Star Trek and Star Wars unintentionally. Basically I made the "live long and prosper" sign, yet said "may the force be with you"..... my bro in turn gave me a look of utter disgust. I don't know what the problem Miley Cyrus would say, it's the best of both worlds!
[a comment I'm sure that will even further disgust my brother....even though he secretly loves Miss Hannah Montana] ;)
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