Friday, February 27, 2009

My Personal Ad

In response to one of my crazy emails, in which I ranted and offered to bribe my friends with chocolate + mild entertainment (from me) in exchange for their company, Johnce suggested that I should submit the following personal ad to the Austin Chronicle:

SWF-ish. slightly entertaining. provides chocolate. keeps ranting tendencies to a minimum.

I am slightly intrigued to see who would actually respond...but not enough to actually do so.... :)
But maybe I'll keep an eye out for an ad like this:

SWM-ish. kind of a goofball. enjoys chocolate. likes a good random rant. can build a table.

PS - Oh....and the only reason that the ad is listed as "SWF-ish" and not just "SWF" is because I claimed that I had experienced a "SWF-ish moment" in the previously-mentioned-email. Just felt the need to clarify! :)

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