Sunday, March 1, 2009

notes from a wannabe bgirl: part 3

In last Sunday's class, we were taught how to "battle rock"....which is basically "top rocking with weapons" (at least, this is how it was explained to me).  I would consider it more in the "choreography" category than the "stunts/tricks" side of breakdancing. As our instructor walked us through the movements, she explained that we needed to act like we were pulling out our weapons as we do the steps...and she specifically looked at me when she said the following:

"For all you ladies that have never handled a weapon, just act like you're pulling a gun from your purse."

I felt slightly indignant and frustrated that I couldn't immediately provide evidence of my weaponry skills...
I only wish I could find my 7th grade hunter's education photo where I'm rocking a neon-orange camouflage bandana (an oxymoron all in itself) to show how far back my skills go. Although I highly doubt a red ryder BB gun would be taken seriously on the street..... 

FYI - It seems as though hunter's education only existed in Southeast Texas...I used to casually refer to it, assuming that everyone had taken a similar class...of course, after a year or two in college, I realized this was not the case. Apparently, most schools were wise enough not to entrust their 7th grade students with weapons. 


  1. I remember Hunter's Ed. I had no idea it isn't widely offered! WOW, amazing.

  2. Haha, I have some good memories from Hunter's Ed too! I was shocked to find out that not every 6th/7th grader takes the course! People around here think it's humorous that we were offered such a course at school, lol. Personally, I hated the class- all I remember was a scary story about how a deer attacked and killed a woman!

  3. Oh my! Randomly great minds DO think alike! And, just for the record, until reading your post I had never even heard of Hunter's Ed. Wow. That's some serious backwoods education you received :)

  4. I so agree with the whole Hunter's Ed thing - I thought everyone took it, too. For some reason, though, people don't believe I came in 2nd in my whole class...:-)
