Sunday, March 8, 2009

Queen B's night to B Scene

This past Friday, I finally made it to the monthly B Scene party at the Blanton Museum. This month's theme was "The Birth of the Cool"....and I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with the event. Not only were the exhibits great, especially the temp exhibit featuring mod pieces from the 1950-60s, but they even had a station where you could make your own vinyl cover. I have never seen so many adults get excited over a glorified arts & crafts session (me included, or course). Here is my creation: 

After finishing our record artwork, me and three of the girls I had met up with decided to head downtown to have a drink. We got into a discussion of how none of us know how to flirt. I admitted that if I was batting my eyes it probably meant there was something legitimately in my eye....and with my luck, if I tried to coyly toss my hair, the chances of my tresses catching on fire from one of the many stand-up heaters was close to 98%. As we were confessing our flirting downfalls, a guy named Charlie approached our table...chatted and told us he would be back later. After he left, I believe it was Sally* who mentioned that touching the inside of a guy's wrist was a subtle way to show interest and flirt with a guy. But from that one statement, a bet was placed between Leah* and Sally*:
The Bet:
1. Leah* would have to touch a guy's wrist before we left.
2. Leah* would have to lick a guy's wrist.
I don't know where the second part of the bet spawned from....but I guess touching a guy's wrist was not daring licking was the most obvious (?) way to up the ante.

I jokingly observed, that if the question on most women's minds when appraising a guy was "can he build a table?"....then the majority of men are most likely asking "will she lick my wrist?"

Needless to say that when Charlie ventured back to our table, he was the target of Leah* and Sally's* dare. As we were playfully talking with him, Leah* asked if she could see his hands...and with great purpose she grabbed his wrist and leaned down to lick it the inner part of his wrist. Of couse, me, Sally* and Haley* all were in tears from laughing so hard. Poor Charlie never knew what hit him. He stood in complete shock for a moment...staring in awestruck wonder at Leah*. He had to sit down to regain his composure....Charlie just kept saying "I REALLY like you girls!" and he was (of couse) extremely fascinated with Leah* from that point on. He then asked for all of our names again....and when he got Leah's* name he commented, "I'll definitely remember you!". He quickly left to herd all of his guy friends over to meet us (which I'm sure they all got word of the wrist-licking excitement). I, of couse, squealed,  "it works! that's the question that men want answered!" 

Guys are truly wondering (whether they know it or not)...."will she lick my wrist?"

For four girls who don't know how to flirt, we had a shockingly flirty night. And amazingly with no awkward phone number exchanges, etc....just a good old fashioned ego-boost and an epiphany into the psyche of the opposite sex!

PS - I just had a weird revelation that I'm having a very Carrie Bradshaw-ish moment...with my written commentary on the experiences of four single women in the city.... 

*Names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved...well, except for me. :)

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